

Submit an opinion piece

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We’re always looking for new contributors and columnists at Onside View, as we aim to represent the full spectrum of fan opinions. We welcome submissions from our readers in the form of opinion pieces, however, we do not publish pre and post-match reviews or general items. You can submit an article for consideration by using the form below.

Please ensure that your text is well written and free of spelling errors; it could affect your chances of the piece being published. We strongly recommend that you draft your piece in an editor like MS Word and then paste it into the “article copy” box below in case you close the browser window prematurely and lose your work.

You can help us further by placing a <p> tag at the front of each paragraph and a </p> closing tag at the end of each paragraph.  Please don’t use the “save as HTML” function in Word, however, as this creates reams of unwanted code.

Article submission

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